Now the visit from a friend part. Back just after the beginning of the year, I got incredibly sick and was that way for a couple of weeks, taking me to the end of our bowseason. Just before it was over, I opted to make one more attempt. I had a nice buck coming in just at dusk and never giving me a shot. I figured my time off from hunting might make him come in earlier. I carried my clothes and a heater with me, and by the time that I got to the blind I was short of breath and shaking like a leaf. I sat there and tried to compose myself, and waited. A few small buck showed up, then some doe. Then a group of 4 longbeards and 2 jakes chased them out of the field. I had never seen that before. Eventually the birds moved off, and a few 2 1/2 year old buck came in, but nothing I wanted to shoot. All of sudden they scooted out of there when a nicer buck showed up. I had him broadside at maybe 12 yards. I got to full draw but was shaking so much I couldn't hold on target. I didn't have the strength to let the arrow down and somehow I released. Pretty sure I shot at least 10 feet over his back. I waited a couple of minutes and went to get my arrow. On the way back a large boar showed up and come close, but I never could get a shot, and I probably couldn't have hit him anyway. The best day that I had experienced on my property, and it was wasted with my illness.
Well, I shot that large boar later, and today that nice buck showed up just before I shot the hog. I bet I took 50 pictures of him, just so I wouldn't have my bow in my hands and be tempted to do something stupid. Here he is. 2nd biggest one I have seen on my property. He came as close as 10 yards away.