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Author Topic: Pocket quivers  (Read 818 times)

Offline Dorado

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Pocket quivers
« on: March 23, 2015, 10:25:00 AM »
I've got a couple of questions.
I'm looking to make a pocket quiver and maybe a couple of those single arrow holders that tie onto the bow. I have enough scrap leather for them but I think it might be too heavy. Is 6/7oz leather too thick to use? I don't have a way to thin the leather at all.

The pocket quiver I'm wanting to make would be 4" wide and about 9-9.5" tall. I would be making it with a fold over belt loop and a flap to go over the pocket. But I've never seen one in person and didn't know if the dimensions I've chosen would be right. I just measured off a pair of my jeans to figure it out. Would 4X9.5" be alright?
Any tips on how to make a good one would be great.

The single arrow holder I thought would just be fun to make and to use up some of my smaller scraps. Any tips on it?
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Online M60gunner

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 12:32:00 PM »
I have made my pocket quivers from 8-10 oz leather I had left from backquiver projects. Measuring the jeans was a smart idea. Basically what I did first time. I make the front piece a tad larger in size to allow for stitching. That way arrows have a little room. After the first one I decided I needed an additional pocket for a few small accessories. Not real difficult to do but took me a minute to figure out how it had to be assembled.

Offline Dorado

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2015, 12:48:00 PM »
Thanks M60gunner. I just didn't know if my leather was too stiff or thick for a decent pocket quiver. I figured that I'd be best served by adding a little extra material to the front of the pocket. I thought that when I make it I'd leave a bit of extra material around the outside of the stitching and trim to fit afterwards.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Online Pat B

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2015, 06:16:00 PM »
6-7oz leather should be plenty heavy enough for a pocket quiver and for solo stalkers.
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Offline Dorado

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2015, 06:29:00 PM »
I figured it'd be more than heavy enough. I just didn't know if it was too heavy. Solo Stalkers, is that what those are called? I like it. Gonna get started on 'em soon.

Quick and probably dumb question. On the pocket quiver. The flap that goes over the pocket, is it sewn inside folded over and sewn down, or is it just sewn to the front of the main pocket and matched up to the inner leather? I figure it'd be best to know now than mess it up when I get to sewing it. I'm assuming it's to keep you from accidentally putting the arrow your pant's pocket and not the quiver.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Online Pat B

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2015, 11:21:00 PM »
If you have a belt sander you can thin the leather with that then smooth the edges when you are done. I haven't made a pocket quiver so I can't help much with the design.
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Offline Bud B.

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2015, 11:34:00 PM »
This is one I made and is 6/7oz


and a slightly different take off the same pattern

TGMM Family of the Bow >>>>---------->

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Offline pghrich

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2015, 06:44:00 AM »
hello, i did not make my pocket quiver but bought it from a *********** member and looks very much like the one posted, it is made from 7 ounce leather and measures 4 1/2" wide and 9 1/4" high, fits into the back pocket nice and snug, rich pyle

Offline Dorado

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 12:06:00 PM »
Thanks everyone. I've got most of the pieces cut out, just dreading punching all those stitching holes.
PatB, I didn't even think about a belt sander. I only have a 1" wide desktop sander but that should work on the smaller pieces.
Hopefully I can find the time this afternoon to sit down and put it together. I'll post pictures when I'm done.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Offline bowhuntingrn

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2015, 12:21:00 PM »
"just dreading punching all those stitching holes", then don't! I glue it all up and then drill them. If you have a small drill press or one of the press style setups for a dremel it works great. Go along after and create your "groove" with the backside of a butter knife or similar. Granted, I'm by no means even a semi professional leather worker, but it works well enough for me.
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Offline Bladepeek

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 12:46:00 PM »
Why are you dreading "punching all those holes"? What are you using to punch them? With a diamond-shaped awl, it will go through 2 layers of leather like butter. Put a small piece of scrap leather under the whole thing and punch through it all into a nylon cutting board. Now 4 or 5 layers, or sometimes 7, then I reach for the drill press!
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Offline soap creek

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2015, 12:53:00 PM »
Here's some I made out of 6/7oz. leather. They measure 4 5/8th wide by 6in. tall for the pocket, 9 1/2in. tall including the belt loops. Its a pattern I copied off one I purchased.  
(Rom. 10:13)

Offline Dorado

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2015, 04:23:00 PM »
Originally posted by Bladepeek:
Why are you dreading "punching all those holes"? What are you using to punch them? With a diamond-shaped awl, it will go through 2 layers of leather like butter. Put a small piece of scrap leather under the whole thing and punch through it all into a nylon cutting board. Now 4 or 5 layers, or sometimes 7, then I reach for the drill press!
I don't have an awl. I've been meaning to get me one but I can never remember to buy the dang thing. I've been using what amounts to a sharp nail with a handle. It's a probe used to line up holes. I'd use my drill press but I need a new chuck for it, mine stopped working about a month ago. It won't hold anything less than 1/4".
Besides I always hate punching holes in things. I always end up putting a hole in me. lol
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

Offline Bladepeek

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2015, 04:50:00 PM »
You can order one on line, or pick one up at any Tandy store. You won't believe how it goes through leather. But yes, you're right - it will go through skin even easier    :(    That's why I suggested doing it on a cutting board. Been there; done that; don't want to do it again.
60" Bear Super K LH 40#@28
69" Matt Meacham LH 42@28
66" Swift Wing LH 35@28
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Offline Dorado

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Re: Pocket quivers
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2015, 05:42:00 PM »
We don't have a Tandy store. We have a Michael's craft shop but they never seem to have any. I'll probably have to order one next time I'm ordering something from them.
Samick Sage 35#
Bear Polar 59#@29

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