I agree with Archie and Archer Dave regarding their comments. I used to enjoy browsing the ads here and purchased a number of bows/accessories, sold some as well. It was fun and made the other features of the site all that much more interesting (I posted much more back then as well). Though I'm not a fan of paying to look and shop I do believe that site administrators have every right to charge a fee if they so choose. It's a basic right of free enterprise and from that perspective it's a hard point to argue against. Does it cause folks to leave or perhaps limit their visits here? Probably, but it is what it is and like any change people will adapt to it in their own way.
As far as the issue of used bows selling poorly, I feel that much of the current resale problem is connected to the rash of inexpensive new imported bows that are flooding the market through E**y and via domestic manufacturers who import and sell them under their own company (or a subsidiary company) name. It's easy to see how cheaper imports are attractive to newcomers and even to archery veterans looking for bargains, but it sure doesn't do any favors for custom bowyers, used bow shops or average guys posting their high-quality used bows in the classifieds. Again, free enterprise at work doesn't always have the results we're all looking for, but it is what it is.
Kinda' makes you wonder what's in store down the road.