I gladly pay the $30 to contribute to this site! Everything about it is special. The people, the topics, the wealth of information, and most importantly, the St. Jude's auction! The brotherhood and generosity on this site is uncanny. I'm proud to be able to call myself a Tradganger!!! Participating in the classifieds is icing on the cake.
As the seller, you set the price. If you are not happy with what has been offered, don't sell. But don't complain that the demand for your goods doesn't currently warrant the price you want. Either wait for the demand to rise, or settle for less at the time of sale if you'd rather not hold on to it. Again, your choice.
I will also agree that the presentation of your add is very important. Pictures are a sure fire way to insight more interest. If you don't want to go through the "hassle", that's your loss! The more information that you can give, the better. Adds with one or two poorly written sentences, will also likely not attract much interest.