This post is late in coming as I wanted to include an action pictur and we had been out of town for the week. So a couple of weeks ago I was looking for a good place to start in looking for a youth bow for my oldest son's 10th birthday. I wanted him to have a legitimate longbow after his due diligence shooting a miserable box-store fiberglass one. Well, long story long, and Job Stewart said that he had an Osage selfbow that his grandkids had outgrown and that I was welcome to have it. He even refused to allow me to pay for shipping the bow because I am military. When he sent it out he said he'd include some other things as a suprise. When the bow and other box came in the mail I don't know who was more floored, my son or me! First, the bow is an excellently hand crafted osage orange snake bow, 25# @ 22". Looking at the way the rings were matched out makes me believe the bowyer was top notch. A laced leather handle and nice (linen I think) string made the bow all the more attractive. I admit I was jealous of my son. Additionally, Mr. Stewart sent my son and I both a set of string keeps, a knapped arrowhead necklace (dont get me started on that, he hasnt taken it off since!) a small star from a US flag, some mink string silencers and a baseball card he used to give to kids when he was a LEO as well as a small flipper rest for the bow in case it was needed. All of this not only at no cost to me but at cost to him. His generosity is worth noting. My son is already chattering away about going stump shooting and squirrel hunting. Haha. Thanks again Jon.