This was made specifically for my beautiful wife Katy because she is getting her first bow for her birthday this year. I had Gary at D&M custom arrows crest and fletch her some arrows for it. We picked out the body of latigo leather to match the paduk and bloodwood on her bow.
The body is thick enough to hold form yet flexible enough to fold and prevent arrow spillage when bending over. The trim is garment grade embossed leather with 3 layers of coloring, a muted turquoise, reddish brown, and gold. I hand cut the strap and gave it a mystery braid (closed on BOTH ends as opposed to having one open end to keep the strands from knotting). I cut it to be the shortest length she would need and added an additional 6” of adjustability in the bottom for seasonal clothing changes. The mystery braid not only looks nice, but gives the strap a tiny bit of stretch and enough texture that the quiver won’t slip off her shoulder. The D-Rings I hand forged and twisted with a low sweep on the curve to reduce swinging and bobbing of the quiver while allowing it to move with her body. The flower concho I made from an antique broach that was cut down and welded to a Chicago screw to attach to the quiver body. The whole thing was hand cut and hand stitched with the trim leather also reinforced with glue. Because she wanted the threads not to show, I got to hand twist and hand wax some nylon thread into thick enough strings to work well on leather. This was a pain, but it turned out looking fantastic. Now it’s time to start on a matching arm guard before her bow shows up.
There's a lot of small details in there customized just for her. This was a very fun project. I look forward to her getting years of enjoyment out of it with me.
Preliminary layout in the sunlight...
A little stitching work out back half way through...