I think if you experiment a bit with larger point weight changes that you will find, as several posts above point out, that large weight changes or small length changes will have similar effects. Since the arrow is already a bit too stiff, changing the length is not an option. I would get some points that are significantly different in weight - like, 145,175, 200. That might be enough to move the arrow over to the weak side and then you can work your way back to tuned. You didn't say what bow weight your shooting, your arrow length and draw length, or how stiff they appear to be, so you might be very close, or so stiff that even a 200 gr point won't do it. It would help a lot to give a few more details on your shooting setup. I know if I were trying to shoot even a full length 400 spine out of one of my lighter bows, it would take a LOT of weight up front. Probably 100gr insert and 250 - 300 gr point. On one of my heavier bows, I could make it work quite easily if the shaft is full length.
I know shipping costs are greater than the cost of the arrow heads, but if there is a trad store anywhere near, points are pretty cheap. Also, there are probably some trad archers in the area that may be able to help you out. It takes very little effort to swap out points on a "loaner" basis and see if that will help.