I love to see the variety of posts that show up each day. Which bow is better, who likes what quiver, two-three or four blade, string materials, hunting pictures, advice, sheds, trail cameras, etc....
Some feel it's repetitive but I think not. For all of you who have been at this for 20 plus years, just imagine if you could go back and start from the beginning. A traditional archery "do over"! Man would I love to take the ride once again.
For so many folks here the journey has just begun. They've never read Hunting the Hardway, The Witchery of Archery and so many more. They've never shot a Hill bow, a forward riser recurve or an English longbow. They've never heard of Walt Wilhelm, Glen St. Charles or Chester Stevenson. They've yet to own a back quiver or know how to use one. They talk about P&Y deer all the time but don't even know what P&Y stands for.
I could go on all day about the years of info I've picked up along the way. I still re-read books, I'm still looking for the magic bow or perfect broad head. I know bowyers are looking for the ultimate design and I applaud them, even though some of their designs where developed years ago. To all bowyers, thanks for keeping the art alive.
So the next time you see someone post the same old stuff, give them a break and answer their question. Brace height, fistmele, back of point, helical, back and belly.....is all stuff that we've learned along the way, from someone. Trad Gang is a fantastic resource.
With that said, to all the new folks, don't be afraid to ask a questions. To all you old dogs, do your part and give back the advice someone gave you.