Already had a thread going, but figured I'd post with the name in the subject for those that like Howard bows that wouldn't see the other thread.
Always wanted a Jet, I've had Classics...but never a Jet. After Jack passed away, they became extremely difficult to find, no one wanted to part with what they had.
I finally found one, that was busted up pretty bad. Rich Lopez, Droptine 59, had acquired it and began working on it. It had been dry fired and destroyed the limb tips. Rich had the idea of shortening the bow to 64" to try and save it, he started but ran out of time and sold it to me as is. It was a gamble, and Rich was clear on that.
I got it very cheap.
It sat here for awhile, I am no bowyer and I was looking for someone to tackle my project.
Steve Tallant, Sixby here on the Gang, jumped all over this. Off it went, not knowing if it would ever work. The limbs were way off, twisted, etc.
A little bit ago, Steve got it back to me.
I have been so busy at work I had not shot it until this morning.
He put a lot of work into this bow, I think his passion took over and the man pulled it off.
This Jet is back in action. And shoots damn fine!
Thank you Rich, for selling me the bow I have been dreaming of.
Thank you Steve, phenomenal job. You took this project knowing it might fail, but then would not take failure as an option.
Hopefully, I will have pictures of game this fall under this bow.