Looks like it's 40-45 pounds optimistically. 35-40 more realistically. Arm shook trying to draw one of my lighter heavy bows, would have been about 75 full (36") draw. 36" I remind everyone is to the corner of my mouth, and I can only alter down with good form to 32". I say this before people tell me don't draw so far-if my left arm hadn't been so heavily damaged as a teenager, I would have had a natural 40" draw, as my left arm is 4 or so inches shorter than my right.
I can shoot my wife's left handed 34 pound recurve, but only have lightweight arrows 28" long. I'm going to see what kind of set my hickory warbow took being strung the whole time I was in and work from there.
Just realized that puts me perfectly in the range for the manchubows.com bow. Draws 36", low weights to work up with. Got to start saving my pennies.