I ha planned on a hunt close to the house this morning. I left the house around 6 and walked down the road a couple hundres yards and vered off into the woods. I couldn't find my flashlight in my pack so I had to wait to go into the woods.I've been tothe spot so many times over the years I could easliy find it in the dark,but the way some people are i hate to walkin without a light for fear of someidiot shooting at nosie in the dark. As it became lighter i would walk until i couldn't see very farthen wait for more light.
It's been so hot here lately making the hunting tough. looking up inot the sky through the trees I was thiking how easily the woods looked like srping intesead of the second week october. The birds werewaking up and i hal expected to start heaing gobblers sounding off fromthere roost.
I made it to my ground blind just as it was getting light enough to see a long ways in he woods. I knocked an arrow and set down to enjoy the morning. I have trouble setting still,so i usally bring a book to read. I got out my book and started reading. I would read 2 pages then slowly scan the area with my eyes then turn the page.
I had been there about 5 minutes,when a flicker of moement out in ront caught my eye. I glanced up to see a yearling walking toward me at about 10 yards. I slowlylaid the book down and grabbed mybow. I was able to get to my knees,then an alot of nosie off to my left stopped me. I thought another deer was walking in fromthat direction but it ended up being a huge raccoon. The raccoon looked like a tank. he strode over to a fallen tree and jumped up on it. the deer saw the coon and started walking toward it . The racons fur stood up and he started hissing and growling so the yearling snorted and ran toward the coon. The coon ran up a tree and deer went back to feeding. By the time i was able o get into positon the deer was about 15 yards. I drew back and released the arrow.
My wife is bugging me to go to the 3d range so i'll finishwhen we get back.
here is a pic of where i ws setting