I read something online the other day that I'd never given any thought to, but does seem to make sense.
I read so many different archery related articles, that I can't remember where it was, or who wrote it, but I thought I'd bring it up here, and see what you think.
Before I read the article, my first thought was paradox. I wondered if over the course of many shots, the strain put on the arrow as it goes around the riser, may eventually weaken it to the point of reducing spine.
I'm not what you'd call a technical archer. I've found what works for me over the years, and I stick with it, but I do find things like this interesting.
Anyway... The article dealt with target shooting, specifically carbon shafts. The author stated that repeated shots into foam targets, can eventually wear the outside of carbon shafts to the point that it can weaken the arrows spine.
like I said, I don't get too deep into the technicalities of the sport, I'm just an old hunter at heart, but I thought I'd bring it up here, and see what those of you that do, have to say about it. Thanks.