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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Help with an old FG recurve  (Read 409 times)

Offline fnshtr

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Help with an old FG recurve
« on: May 11, 2015, 04:00:00 PM »
Came across an old fiberglass recurve. No markings of any kind on it. It belonged to my grand-daughter's maternal grandfather.

Here is a pic of the handle.


It measures 64 7/8" tip to tip. It has a few "dings" and there is one spot with a strand of fiber sticking out of it.

I thought I would hit it lightly with some 00 or 0000 steel wool and then apply a couple light coats of polyurethane.

I have no idea the draw weight on this bow. I will also need a string for it.

Anyone know the length of string and string material I should order?

56" Kempf Kwyk Styk 50@28
54" Java Man Elkheart 50@28
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Offline woodchucker

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Re: Help with an old FG recurve
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2015, 05:19:00 PM »
By the grip, I would say an old Ben Pearson!!!

Nice bow!!! Kind of a hand thumper,but vertualy indistructable..... As for the piece of glass lifting, hit it with a small fine emory board, to take the edge off. Then get some "Hard as Nails" Nail polish & give it a few light coats over the area. This should smooth it out & stop any further lifting.

As for a string, It's probly a 66" bow. I'd get a 64" string & twist it up untill you get the brace height somewhere about 7"-8"... As for material, You can use whatever you want. You're really not going to hurt the bow!!! I've always used B-50 Dacron on my glass bows, but they tell me FF really brings out the performance in them!!!!!

As for weight, it's probly 35#-45# Put it on a scale if you can find one. Or, just try & guestimate it, compared to other bows. Check out my thread, "Pop's Bow... 3-4 pages back.

Enjoy!!!!!  :bigsmyl:
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Offline fnshtr

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Re: Help with an old FG recurve
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 05:36:00 PM »
Thanks! I'll check out your thread.
56" Kempf Kwyk Styk 50@28
54" Java Man Elkheart 50@28
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Offline jhk1

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Re: Help with an old FG recurve
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 12:46:00 PM »
Put a drop or two of liquid superglue on/into the spot where the fiber is lifting, and press or clamp the lifted fiber down (maybe just push it down with the tip of a small screwdriver or something like that-- don't want to glue your finger to the bow  :)  ).  Then you can lightly sand or emery board the area smooth.

After the superglue treatment to the spot with the lifted fiber, the clear nail polish on the spot (mentioned above by woodchucker) to finish/seal the spot is a good idea, or go with your original plan of fine steel wool or sandpaper followed by polyurethane.  After steel-wooling or sanding, wipe the bow down with denatured alcohol to remove dust and any other residue.  I like several coats of Minwax Wipe-on poly-- gives a nice smooth finish, and you can do it in the basement without stinking up the house.

Offline mahantango

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Re: Help with an old FG recurve
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 04:54:00 PM »
A modern low-stretch string will really improve the performance, but more important reduce the considerable hand shock these bows have.
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