For the past 19 years I have had the fortune to own my own little piece of paradise. My lifelong dream - a rustic hunting cabin located on 130 beautiful acres of prime whitetail and turkey habitat. In a few short hours that will come to an end as we head to an attorneys office to sign papers to sell the property.
When I retired six years ago I thought of course that I would be able to use the cabin more than ever. Strangely, it has actually almost turned out to be the opposite. It seems that now that time is not an issue I find myself heading out of state even more often that I did while I was working. I just don't get to the cabin nearly as much as I thought I would. As much as I enjoyed it while I was there, I found that I would go away on a trip and when I returned I didn't want to take off immediately to head north to the cabin.
So the time has come to say goodbye and pass the property on to new owners. The upside though is that the sale proceeds will go toward purchasing an additional piece of property that adjoins the 21 acres our home sits on. We do have some pretty darn good deer and turkey hunting right here at home, and the new land will give me enough room to do all of my hunting right from home when I am not away out of state somewhere.
The new land will be converted to better wildlife habitat with tree and shrub plantings, prairie grasses, food plots, etc. I have already purchased a tractor in anticipation of all the work to come.
So today is a very sad day in one respect, and I leave with many great memories. I have hosted a number of St. Jude hunts up there and entertained many Trad Gang buddies, family and friends as guests. Over the years we have tasted more than our share of successes. Those memories will always be with me. But it is now time to turn to a new chapter in life and I am very much looking forward to reading that one.