It seems that far to often in the hunting community we as hunters get a tag, and we feel that we are owed an animal because we bought a tag.
Hypathecal situtation:
You make this shot, someone else comes along and sees this and they try it, and it goes south, The animal lives and is recovered by a gun hunter a few weeks later with an arrow in it. Your actions led to a bad situtation for bowhunting. Now while you didn't force this other person to take the shot, the fact that you did it shored up his confidence into making him think it was an easier shot than it really is.
If it is a shot that you are going to take I guess the responsible thing would be not to talk about it. If you were to talk about it, do so in a manner that would steer others away from doing it themselves.
One last thing, Fred Bear, and others who led the way for us to do this took a lot of shots and made a lot of shots that are considered low percentage shots. Those were the learning days of bowhunting. While we all need to learn lets try to learn from the mistakes and successes of others rather than repeating the mistakes and making it harder for our kids to be bowhunters.