I had a fellow a couple of years ago come over with carbons with the exact same complaints. He used the Stu Miller guide for reflex/deflex. He argued with me about the arm guard. His nocks were tight. He was twisting both hands during the draw. He should have had a shorter draw than the one he was trying and failing to reach. He was bridging his grip. I showed him my Hill dvds and my Schulz dvd. Got some arrows that would match his proper Hill draw and bow, gave him an arm guard and shooting glove, started from scratch and after about fifty shot, his arrows were flying. Two weeks later we crossed paths, he was back to using the stiff carbons, he had welts on his arm,he was back to using his cheap tab and not getting his arrows to fly. He has since gone back to the dark side, but has not returned the arm guard, shooting glove and arrows that I gave him. The same thing happened with the last two that I completely outfitted, they went back to only using rifles and chasing deer with pickups. I am done giving away my stuff.