Let’s not go worrying about the “success” or failure of this year’s auction too soon guys. I have a feeling that TGers are about to put their rally hats on and it’s waaaaaaaay to soon to judge the results!!!!!! TGers are “good people” as my Dad used to say and I have no doubt that they all will once again come together and do their part for this great cause, no matter how large or small it might be. You may ask me why am I so certain of this, after all, bids as a whole appear down at this time (I think, maybe not) and we certainly don’t have as many items donated this year.
A few days ago I was thinking about that exact thing while reading this post. After all, the fact of the matter is that most of us have been blessed with HEALTHY KIDS, not sick ones, and most would logically predict that our support would surely wane as time goes on. What is it about this auction that has caused a lot of us to have an emotional attachment to it?? In fact, his post made me realize that as time goes by I find myself getting more and more emotionally attached to this auction and I wondered why. Admittedly my resources to help are not nearly as great as others, but I find myself no less attached.
When it comes down to it, I THINK it is the fact that we recognize either consciously or unconsciously the tremendous blessing that God has poured out on so many of us with the health of our kids and we feel the pain of the kids and their parents who have not been so lucky. I think this auction gives us a chance to thank God for the blessing of our kids, healthy or not. THAT’S what makes this auction a success and it’s why I KNOW it will continue to be a success this year and every year after. They say this country has “gone to hell in a handbasket” but I beg to differ. Oh it’s definitely had its setbacks, and it’s certainly not the country our parents left us, but we are still a great nation with lots of good people and TGers prove it every day. So, I ask that God continue to bless the great people that make up this site and their generous donations and gifts to the kids which have been less fortunate. Let us not forget that our kids are the most precious thing that God gives us on this earth and let us come in mass to their aid not only with money but with our prayers.
We may not hit the $1 million mark this year, and that’s OK, but be assured we will one day meet that goal and then we will surpass it. Let us also not forget that a $5 donation is just as important as a $1,000 one because it comes from our hearts, with a thank you to our God for our many blessings, and with the hope that some child’s burden may be lightened from the countless diseases that plague the world.
Finally, I think we need to be cognizant of the fact that it’s just our human nature to become a little “spoiled” with the past success of this auction, though let us not be disheartened if we don't “break the record” this year. It's just not reality to expect the kinds of bids and participation we have had in the past year after year. Like our hunting seasons, we will have good years, better years and great years. That's how all of life is. We can each do what we can, that’s all we can ask for, and in the end, I guess that’s the only way to measure our success. The success of the auction will not be tallied by the final amount of our donations or how many items we donated this year, but how we gave from our heart in thanksgiving and fellowship to help the kids that are hurting. GOD BLESS THE MEMEBERS OF TRADGANG!!!!!!