Well first let’s dispense with the obvious, if you have time to build a very dense natural blind it will work better than a commercial blind. Ok, that is out of the way.
Now, the most important thing to recognize is that a blind may not be the most effective way to hunt any given spot. Treestands work well! If you can get a treestand in that spot it will work better than a blind 9 times out 10.
Now if you cannot get a treestand in that spot then that is where a blind could come into play. Double Bull has their 50-100 Rule that makes good sense and seems to work:
"In cover where the deer can only see 50 yards or less, put brush closely around the Blind as additional camo so it disappears more visibly into the surroundings. If the deer can see 100 yards or more stick it in the wide open."
If you are brushing the blind pay special attention to the roof line. If possible jam it under a tree or branches. I find that placing mine into or against a deadfall works well.
It also needs to be placed into shadows or shade. You do not want the interior of the blind illuminated. You also do not want the sun shining on the shoot through mesh. I had a very frustrating experience with that and some pigs in Florida. I could not see anything!
You need good steady wind for a ground blind. One of my favorite times to use the ground blind is when it is really windy. I like to take it and stick it in heavy cover where the deer will hole up in the heavy wind. In my area they will move about in heavy cover when they would not move in the woods.
You really need to have a good idea of where the animal will be when using a commercial ground blind. Because you need to have a lot of it closed up to reduce sky lighting your potential field of fire is greatly reduced. I basically have two portals to shoot from.
Some animals will just not like it. I have had the spectrum of reactions to it. Some you will never kill from it and others could care less about it.
The best advice I can give you is not to try to jam a square peg in a round hole. If the blind fits the scenario then use it but if it is not a good fit then do not waste your time. Scent control and proper wind direction apply to all hunting. If the wind is no good do not waste your time.