Good bear trophy photos are very tough to take. You see so many guys with little bears sitting way back from them to make them look big you get desensitized to what a big bear looks like in a proper picture. Bryan and Daryl are sitting right next to BIG bears. Nothing is more over estimated than bear live weight. We did not have a scale in camp this year unfortunately. Ryan would be a much better estimator than I but I'd guess Daryls bear close to 350 and Bryan's close to 400. They had completely different body shapes; one short and round and one long and lean.
The wonderful thing about Stickflingers is Ryan manages it for big bears. He has MANY bears, tries to educate his hunters on shooting only boars, and has a large percentage of hunters who will not shoot small bears. It's a lot easier not shooting an average bear knowing there are a large number of mature bears roaming around.
There is nothing like seeing a BIG black bear; one that takes your breath away at first sight. Thank goodness I found a place to do it every trip