Here is a picture of my crew...they had a blast. This was our first trip to Compton. Great courses to shoot and lots of vendors. And a bunch of nice people.
C Kerly was camped just down from us. Didn't know he was a tradgang member til now. We made new friends at the campsite and the last night I think all the kids in the campground area were around our site playing capture the flag. We shot all four courses and amazingly they only lost a few arrows. The little guy took honors on this one....
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Here is one of the younger kids group there was also an older group so I'm guessing it was close to 100 kids that participated on Saturday.
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Here my daughter is shooting a loaner bow from St Joe River Bows, Tracey and David have set us up with a few bows now. The first picture you will see that my son and daughter are holding their St Joe River Longbows, notice that her's is LEFT handed. The loaner bow is RIGHT handed. Here is the reason...She shot all four courses on Friday and then the aerials and then the kids rhino's and then back to coarse and then guess what..on Saturday morning she couldn't pull bow back with left. Too sore...wore out. She was so upset because she wanted to shoot in the kid shoot activities that day. She is left eye dominant but right handed. So I said lets try shooting right handed. She did and was shooting really well. I said, well you are lucky because you can shoot with both hands the rest of your life. I said, I wish I could do that. A reason for more bows and also an option for when the shoulder gets sore. Tracey and David saved the day, I can not thank them enough for what they did for us. So anyway here is the picture of the right handed bow from Tracey...
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They are great people and we are now trying to talk mom into getting a custom right handed bow from Tracey and David for her birthday
, Can you imagine the bows this guy must shoot.. :eek:
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