I just returned home from a "Mission Fishin'" trip to Montana. The church I pastor is connected with an awesome church in Missoula called The Outdoorsman Church (If your in that area and looking for an authentic church, I highly recommend it!) Anyway… myself and 19 other guys spent a week doing construction projects for the church, helping with a sports camp and doing a bunch of fishing. The pastor knew I liked bowhunting so he invited me to bring my bow and chase some ground squirrels. What a blast!
I ended up with two… I lost count how many times I missed! Here's a few pics from the adventure…
I've never hunted a more beautiful location!
I hope to make it back up there some September and hunt something a little larger! We saw this herd just a few miles from where we hunted squirrels.
We drove through yellowstone on the way home and were treated to a massive herd of buffalo…
As well as this big boy…
Back in Oklahoma… missing the mountains, rivers and dry air, but deeply thankful for the experience.