For many years, the Bear Grizzly was hailed as the "Working Man's" Bow... It was affordable & reliable. What more could a working man ask for??? I'm a HUGE fan, of the Bear Grizzly!!! I've had many over the years, and I have 5 old Grizzlys right now...
Last month, I bought my son Tyler, a used Bear Montana longbow. I've seen & shot them from time to time, but never actualy HAD one... Well, It may not be much to look at, but it is CERTAINLY a PERFORMER!!!!! Sweet shooting & quiet! Draws smooth and shoots where you look!!! Also... It's vertualy BOMB PROOF!!!!! Tyler LOVES IT!!!!!
Could it be possible... That Bear has created ANOTHER "Working Man's" Bow????? That there are now 2, a recurve and a longbow, for whichever "Style" the "Working Man" prefers...?????