Since I'm one of the few who shoot a trad bow in my archery club, when we get a request to learn how to shoot trad equipment, it's usually channeled to me.
Our club does have an instructional program for young archers, so most who I have contact with are adults, usually young adults. I noticed that the Olympics of a few years ago and movies like Hunger Games and Brave tend to spike interest.
Almost all of these folks are new to archery. Some see trad archery as part of their effort to simplify things. They eschew the compound in favor of a stick bow because of it's historical, nostalgic attractions and perceived simplicity and greater challenge. Some fashion themselves locavores, and like the idea of securing their own meat with their own hands. These are new concepts to them, and some are quite idealistic, but most do stick with it.
Unfortunately, often times, they are sold equipment that doesn't fit them (usually bows that are way too heavy, arrows that aren't properly spined, etc.) before they get to me.
I can't say as I've seen an increase in new folks getting in touch to receive instruction. It's been pretty steady over the years, 3-6 per year. On the other hand, there seems to be a growing movement in our club of more and more compound shooters switching to traditional equipment. Might even have enough trad shooters for a league pretty soon.
I should add that our statewide traditional archery organization, Wisconsin Traditional Archery, is growing quite nicely. We have nearly 500 members now, and have been adding about 30-40 members a year the past few years.