I find it interesting that a thread that started with a predetermined conclusion could garner so much support. I was going to post how many deer I shot with bows that were light poundage to heavy poundage with penetration included, but on rereading the original post, I realized I would only be preaching to the choir. For those who don't know, it is fun to shoot light bows that zip out a lighter arrow and it makes it difficult to justify that shoulder ripping 90 pounder while you are dragging out your wife's deer that was shot with a 40 pounder. If that would have happened once, I could have passed it off as luck, but after all of these years and an increasing number of tags filled every year, I had to admit that I was working my butt off for nothing. Saxton Pope stated that it seemed that quick clean and accurate arrow flight was better than raw power. Numbers debates rarely have all that much to do with real hunting.