Well guys, I am one step closer to obtaining one of my deepest archery goals, to hunt with a primitive set up.
This desire has burned deep inside me and has only gotten worse as I have continued into traditional archery. What used to be a mere dream of the future could very well be accomplished this coming fall.
I have meet and talked with several different primitive bowyers, getting their opinions and views on primitive bows and hunting.
I would like to lend a shout out to those who helped me. First would be Jamie Miller (J.F Miller), a fellow trad ganger and expert all wood bowyer. I spent an afternoon with him and got to shoot some of his bamboo backed bows, which were downright amazing not only in performance but beauty as well.
Next would be Carson from Echo Archery, a sponsor here. I was able to shoot his award winning rawhide backed Osage recurve. It was a short, crazy fast shooting bow that really showed what a primitive bow can do.
Lastly I would like to thank Ryan from Gills primitive archery. His web site is loaded with information on primitive archery and flint arrowheads.
My initial goal was to build a bow to hunt with, but I was not patient enough, as I wanted to hunt primitive this fall.
When gills primitive archery had a sale on a certain bow I had been eyeing for months I finally gave in. I am obsessed with the graceful beauty of all wood recurves and this bow was everything I ever dreamed in a selfbow.
So here she is, my sinew backed osage self-static recurve. She is 66" and pulls 46@29". Rat snake skins complement her curves.
It shoots wonderfully and is without a doubt going to be my main hunting bow this year. She will be matched with self-nocked wood arrows tipped with flint arrowheads. The bow is so quiet it is downright scary. The deer will never know what hit them.
I am still going to keep working on building my own bows, but for my first start in primitive I figured a well made bow would show me what to look for in my own future bows.
So with that being said, let the season of primitive archery begin! I have a feeling it is going to be a great season! Cheers SS