Ladies and Gentlemen, I once again seek your guidance.
I have tuned a few bows, and I thought I understood the process. Here's the deal: I am getting a stiff response regardless of the changes I make.
Setup: RH Dwyer Dauntless, 48# at 28", and I'm drawing 28". 7 inch brace height, dual nock points and 3 under.
All of my arrows are 30 inches. I like to use 125 grain points and adjust the insert weight to tune. I started with a GT Trad 3555 (500 spine) with 225 up front (point and insert combined). Bare shafting at 20 yards showed it to be weak. I moved to a 5575 (400 spine) with 225 up front, and it was also too weak. I removed point weight until I arrives at the 5575 with 135 grains total up front. It still looked too weak. I am getting wear on the inside (belly side) of the strike plate, which is made from soft Velcro. The fletched arrows wobble side-to-side and the bare shaft cants to the right (nock left, point right) and impacts the target far right of the fletched arrow.
Granted, the stiffer spine isn't as weak, but it's still a problem for arrow flight.
I feel that I should have reached a stiff arrow at this point.
What should I do next?