I've shot quite a few metal riser ilf bows. Most of them had sights and stabilizers on them and I shot them at large colored targets.
I have tried a few for hunting. They were shorter than my target bows and didn't have stabilizers or sights. They just never seemed to feel right in the hand to me. After trying a few I decided that when it came to hunting bows wood is good.
On a whim I decided to purchase a CD Archery WF19. It's a small company out of Virginia and I was happy to give them some business. Dewayne was very helpful and shipped my riser out right away. Two days later I was shooting arrows out of it.
It's a really interesting setup. They designed it to feel like a bow that has some stabilization on it without having anything screwed into the bow.
Well their design works and I've never had a bow that held so steady. I'm not much of an aimer but I can feel how steady and stable I am with this riser. The added stability has really improved my shooting, it's like I can't miss with this thing.
The adjustable tiller is nice because you can adjust the draw weight a good amount and find the sweet spot for your tiller. The adjustable center shot is really great for tuning arrows.
The hump on the shelf is probably my favorite feature beside the weight forward design. The hump gives really good clearance to your arrows even when shooting vanes, something I've been wanting to try ever since I learned Paul Schaffer shot vanes.
So with fall approaching quickly and my stable of bows growing rapidly this is the bow I will be reaching for come opening day.