Possum Head, I hunt them a couple different ways, depending on how ambitious I'm feeling.
I killed the one in the picture by sneaking along one side of a hedgerow separating two fields, and checking out the other field whenever I had an opening in the brush that would let me do it without making a lot of noise.
I snuck through at one point, and up to a big hollow tree stub on the edge of the other field. The chuck was out in the field feeding, but too far for a shot. I watched it for probably fifteen minutes before it made It's way close enough to the hedgerow to take a shot.
I drew when it stood up on It's hind legs for a look around. It was facing away from me, but before I could shoot it dropped back down and turned quartering toward me again. I was already drawn, so I took the shot. The broadhead went in just in front of the left shoulder and came out behind the right shoulder.
It had a ways to go to get back to It's den, and it didn't quite make it. Others have.
I've also been known to throw together a rough brush blind where I can cover several different holes at once. Sometimes they come close enough for a shot, and sometimes they don't. Stalking is more fun though.
I've had a few take arrows down a hole on me when I didn't get a pass through, and I've had some chewed up pretty bad. I don't use my good hunting arrows for woodchucks. I use a bunch of old carbon and aluminum arrows that I keep just for chucks.
A couple of you guys have killed an impressive number of woodchucks, and I give you a lot of credit. They're wary little buggers.
Thanks for the replies.