In the end....I pulled it off. So all of you non believers that bet on Ron, I suppose you were playing the odds, I understand. But I hope that you will still send your donation in to St Judes. Per our wager, Ron will be sending in $50 to St Judes. Because I had such an awesome day.....and also because of the outstanding bourbon donated by Ray wife and I will be donating $250 to St Judes in the name of ShrewHaven.
For what it's worth.....I may have won today, but Ron and Greg are both awesome competitors. Now that it's over, I will tell you that I actually expected Greg to win. He's a great shot always, but this year he's training for a bear hunt and a couple other hunts we have planned, so he is hot right now. And Ron? Heck. I couldn't hardly look at him on the course without getting rattled. Lets just say he had his "war face" on. I would HATE to compete against him in a more formal setting.
I had a great day, and I was lucky to pull it off. :eek: