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Author Topic: 2016' Trad-Gang Bear Quest "A Successful GREAT TIME" with plenty of BEAR ACtion  (Read 19266 times)

Offline trick00

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Well, the Arkansaw "bunch" finally got settled back in at home. This was a first bear hunt for me and my 3 boys and I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to be around, even if they talk funny and have trouble understanding proper Arkansawian   :D   We made lots of new friends and lots of great memories and will definitely have to do this again. Guys, if you have never been, Tom puts together a great hunt, and like you have probably heard, shots up close and personal!

   Bodies bear at Hillbilly

   Patrick and Fred discussing the cane arrow used

   Christophers bear at Hillbilly

   Me and Bowdoc, me on the right! LOL

Offline BlkDog

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A super big Thank You to Tom Phillips, Bowdoc and all of the guys!  This truly is one of the highlights for me each year.  It's hard to keep track, but I think this was my 9th trip.  As Sam mentioned, Tom really does put on a great hunt and he sets you up for some close encounters, if you are willing and interested in getting in tight with the bears.  

During the first week, everyone had opportunities.  I believe we had 12 bears cross the border into the US at the end of the week.  Now, those Arkansas boys are killers.. and not just ducks.  No doubt about it! It was great seeing Sam's 3 boys rolling into camp with bears, especially when they are new to bear hunting.  It makes me remember my first trip years ago.  I could see and feel the excitement in the boys. That alone made the trip worth while.  We had a super group of guys in camp.  

I am still getting settled, but more stories, some pics and videos will be coming.    After skipping the first evening, I saw 7-9 bears over the next 3 days.  My hunt wrapped up on Tuesday with my first critter taken with a longbow.  I also managed to capture it all on video. Stay tuned... I will see if I can get it posted in the next day or two.

Offline kuch

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You should be very proud. Your three young men were great to be around. I'm glad we got to spend some time with all three . You did good 3x ! Congratulations to all of the "bunch".

Offline bruinman

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Awesome stuff guys!!

Offline Tony Z

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Hey Sam. That's a river cane "ARRAH". Don't start talking like some darn Yankee. It was great to see you and your bunch have success.  Tony Z.

Offline tippit

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That can't be Bowdoc's bear in the picture...that bear has hair!!!
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Offline ron w

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:biglaugh:  And it's bigger than Bowdoc........
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few...So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind...This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner.  Shunryu Suzuki

Offline BlkDog

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Ha!  No "mohawk" on Bowdoc's bear this year.  Come to think of it, not many bears were rubbed and most had great looking coats.  The week two guys should do well...  There were a few big ones roaming around too.  I would love to see a few hero photos with a few of those big ones.

I finally got to upload a few pics last night...

It must be terrible to wake up to sites like this all the time.

Offline BlkDog

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Bisch and Bob,
You guys hooked me on the added insurance you get on bears with a string tracker.  

If nothing else when you are tracking a bear that never made a death moan and trail goes up a steep ridge, you can always tug on that line a few times before you crest the top.  Some times you just want to make sure ...  


Offline BlkDog

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... yep, you bet I did!  Tug.. Tug.. TTTUUUGGG.

Felt like I had a lunker on that line.

Offline Sean B

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Hello Sam.....this is "Shoan"......hey it was great to meet you and your "Bunch". It was great to see you all tag out as a family. I have to say that that was one of the many highlights of the hunt for me!!  

Jay, more pics!!!!!  I still have more to down load.

It's been a week and I'm still dreaming about Quebec.!!  We should get an update from the week two guys by the end of the day today!!
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Offline BlkDog

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I am hoping one of the week two guys is bringing this fella home.  

I knew this bear was big, but I have watched these  videos after getting home and he is bigger than I thought!  He dwarfs that drum!

Click the images below for the video...



Offline 23feetupandhappy

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Week two guys are headed home!!!!

The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline BlkDog

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Again, a HUGE thank you to Tom Phillips for making this hunt happen.

My story...

After arriving in camp Saturday morning, we all drew our stands out of a hat.  I would be hunting the "Blow Down", a water bait.  I immediately thought of the story where years back, Zack had to wait for the boat out in knee deep water because an aggressive bear followed him down to the water's edge.    :eek:  

After a quick lunch, we headed out to bait and hang a couple extra stands.  Fred, Jeb and I would partner up for the next couple of days so we loaded up the boat. Fred and Jeb would hunt the Moose Tower stand. Since I knew where all the baits are {and after recalling Zack's story}, I volunteered to drive the boat.  Off we went and got our stands hung.  Everything was looking good and the baits were hit hard.

The first evening, I elected to stay in camp and drop off & pick up Fred and Jeb.  After driving all night and being up for 36 hours, I didn't have confidence that I could think through my shot sequence if the right opportunity was presented.  

Off we went....


A small cabin on the way to the Moose Tower:


Offline Sean B

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There were definitely some big ones left in the woods!!
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Offline BlkDog

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Alright you week two guys, did anyone take a monster off of the bowl?

...back to my story in a bit

Offline BlkDog

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Come Sunday, the rain started.  It was chilly and coming down for most of the day.  We elected to delay heading to the stands.  I had packed mostly for mid to high 70 degree weather and the first couple days may not have gotten out of the 50's.  

I left it to Jeb and Fred if they wanted to go or at what time.  I knew they were filming so I wasn't certain how well the weather worked for them.  Fred said lets wait until 5 and then head out.  Out came my rain gear and fortunately I had packed some UA "cold gear" just in case.  I would have been perfectly happy to stay in but I am glad there was an extra nudge to head out.

The first evening, I saw at least 3 different bears, maybe 5, and I learned the pattern of how they would come in.  The stand was about 100 yards off the lake and facing up the little mountain.  The bears all seemed to come in from the ridge to my left, circle around behind me, and ultimately come in on the right, on the same trail I would walk in on.  Most bears would silently appear about 30 yards to my right.  I made a mental note and that pattern held true every day I hunted.  

That first night, I had a chubby sow quartering away at about 5 steps for about 15 minutes.  ...just not quite big enough.  I knew bigger bears had to be around.  


Offline BlkDog

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Monday came and again more rain.  It was coming down and some high wind gusts too.  Fortunately, the weather let up by the time we headed out.  Still cold but the evening was marked only by the occasional sprinkle.

On Monday, things were a bit slow for me.  Only one bear sighting.  I still wasn't quite "feeling it" and the weather should be breaking soon.


After reviewing my game cam, I learned that 2 or 3 bears came in that morning before the weather turned south again.

Offline BlkDog

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On Tuesday, the weather broke.  Sunshine and higher temps...  finally!  Things were looking up and it was one of those days you love to be in a stand.  Now that the weather cleared, I decided to break out my video camera and take it along.

The evening was gorgeous.  One of those blue bird days.  

At 6:30 I had the first bear come in.  Unfortunately, I glanced to my right and saw a black head emerge from behind a tree at about 8 yards.  I didn't know he was coming in and we both made eye contact at the same time.  The bear and I were both slightly started.  He turned and headed up the mountain at a steady slow pace.  I never got a good look but noticed what appeared to be a good, flat head.  He might have been a nice one but no shot was ever presented.

15 or 20 minutes later, a chubby sow waltzed in like she owned the place.  I think it might have been my buddy from Sunday night.  I guess she knew she was safe.  We hung out for about 20 minutes scarfing down some goodies.  I managed to get some good video of her and the encounter allowed me to work through my shakes and excitement of another up close bear encounter.   :)


Offline BlkDog

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Some still pics of the video of the chubby sow...






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