So Tuesday evening found me looking over HillBillys bait....
The evening was void of bears but I was entertained by a Very dominate/territorial squirrel that was claiming the bait site as his own.....
He would clime up on top of the barrel, throw his head back and let out the loudest 15 to 20 second chatter that would remind you of a lion or somthing
On Tuesday Tom said it wasn't time to panic if we hadn't seen a bear, but this was EOD Wed......
With renewed vigor I signed the Boat Permit form on Wed evening which allowed me to operate the boat on my own. The plan was set, I would be heading to Hillbilly in the a.m.
Id be lying if didn't say I was a little nerves about logistics of getting me to my stand in the pitch dark in a boat going to a spot that id only been to twice in the daylight
Did I mention that id never driven a boat before.....
Nothing like the present to learn, besides, whats the worst that could happen
Time to get down....