Hey Ben,
Thanks for including me in your posts. It really was an honor to be a part of your hunt. Meeting you and everyone else in camp was such a great experience.
Want to thank Tom for all his hard work that made such a great hunt possible and Bowdoc for just being bowdoc. Also, I would never have had the opportunity to experience such a great time if Gary Hall of D&M Custom Arrows hadn't called me and asked if I was interested in a traditional only black bear hunt in Quebec. The answer I gave is not suitable for posting.
Black bear is my favorite big game to hunt. With that in mind, I had my first traditional bowhunting big game kill hunting black bear in remote Quebec Canada at Bear Quest's 10th Anniversary. In addition to that, I met Fred Eichler and drove up to the hunt with Rod Jenkins. Who could imagine anything better?
Again, thanks to everyone. Tom, Bowdoc, Gary, Rod (it was a long ride up), Paul (the ride home was great. Thanks. You deserve every one of those 305.6lbs. Go Red Bull!!!), Sweka (with respect), Matty (your positivity is contagious), Ben (thanks again for the bear quest 10 plaque), Travis (my wife thought the Ahab thing was spot on. Really? Am I that bad sometimes?), Tim (thanks for the great talk and the CD's), Brian (still working on the new gap, thanks. You are a great shot. The bears that came in were lucky you set your standard high or they'd be on a grill right now) and Brian.