"The Shot"...... What is it, Who can make it, and what are its limits? Ive been lucky enough to experience the closest encounters a whitetail deer has to offer. My concern is when the animal is "Too Far"????? When do you know they are?????
I'd love to be able to tell you a step by step procedure that works for everyone to take a shot at an animal. The fact is, it's an ingrained sense learned over time and is different for everyone. Kinda like breathing, eating, and sleeping. We all do it, but we all do it a little different.
I get a little tired of hearing how restricted we are as traditional bowhunters. I've heard alot of "If I had a compound I would have got him, or If I had my gun he was mine." Obviously there are weapons that promote longer shots. So what are "our" limits? 15 yards? 20 yards? 25 yards??????
The last three numbers seem to be a majority response among us stick shooters. I just can't get myself to believe that is the best we can do. I understand the physics of 170fps vs. 300fps, but I believe more in the man behind the bow than the mathematics.
Some of the best trad bowhunters I know, tell me they have passed animals at 25 yards, but have shot and killed animals at 50. What does this tell us? Not every situation is the same. Its a learned skill, just like stalking, stand placement, and the thousand others we try and perfect.
Don't sell yourself short. You never know what opportunities may be headed your way. Start practicing outside your box and strive to get better! There are a million things we can talk about on this topic. Animal behavior, species, and shooters confidence are probably the most important.
As the thread goes on I'd like us to find an answer to "The Shot" As in reference to shooting animals. Not targets. I laugh imagining a wolf reading this thread and telling me. "Hey Andy just kill them and eat them. It's worked for me for thousands of years".