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Author Topic: Strapping yourself into the tree question??  (Read 748 times)

Offline warden415

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Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:11:00 AM »
I wanted to ask opinions or techniques on how you strap yourself into the tree once your ready to hunt? I have been treestand hunting for over 30 years and always strap myself in but have used various techniques to accomplish this. I wanted wanted to see if there is a better/easier system than I am using.
I wear a Hunter Safety system  vest that  has the strap coming off the vest with a loop sewn in on the end. The  most secure way I have found is using a belt strap. But with this system adjusting the height is a bit of a pain. I don't use any sort of carabiner. I run the belt around the tree and feed it through the loop in the end of the vest tether and tighten it down. The one main issue with this is adjusting the tension or resistance on the tether. If the belt is too high or too low then the resistance or range of movement is wrong and you have to loosen the belt and readjust which is time comsuming.
So I have been messing with a rope system with a Prussia knot. I like this because I can simply slip a carabiner from the tether through the prussic. Then I can adjust the prussic up or down the rope for adjustment. The problem I have with this system  is adequately securing the rope around the tree. It always wants to slide down the tree before it grips right.
I am thinking maybe it's an issue with how the rope is secured to the tree? I wrap the rope around the tree and feed one end including the prussic back k through the loop on the other end. Thus leaving the tag end with the prussic hanging vertically down the tree.
It just never seems to grab the tree right?
Those using this system, do you loop it through  twice or just as I decribed?
Looking for faster more secure options. Or pictures. Thanks

Offline ChuckC

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 08:19:00 AM »
I did as you described in the past, and now also use a set up similar to yours with the rope / prussic knot and carabiner attachment.  

I think if you experiment with the placement of your rope with respect to the location of the loop you are feeding the end thru it might help.  
If nothing else, carry a small twist tie ( they make heavier duty ones for camping etc) and place it around the loop thru which the tag end passes, after you did this, to snug up the loop and not allow it to droop at all.  My system does not seem to have the same issues you describe in spite of my doing , seemingly, the very same as you.

Offline ranger 3

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2015, 08:27:00 AM »
I use the same as you and I put the rope on the back side of the tree higher than the loop and pull it down hard and it doesn't move.
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Offline Jake Scott

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 09:08:00 AM »
Check out the traditional bow hunting and wilderness podcast webpage.  Jason has some great videos of his setup on there and it's very simple and effective.  I have concerted my harness the way he does.


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Offline KSdan

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2015, 09:11:00 AM »
Steve- I use regular climbing rope and loop the tag end through twice.  Cinch it down. Never moves. I always place it as high as my arms will reach relying on the prussic for adjustment.

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Offline Jake Scott

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2015, 09:11:00 AM »

Here is a link.  Scroll down a couple videos and you'll find the one I'm referring to.


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Offline highlow

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2015, 10:42:00 AM »
Ranger 3 2X
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Offline Whip

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 11:01:00 AM »
I'm like KSDan. I have a climbing rope on all of my stands that go all the way to the ground. A prussic knot slides all the way up and down so that I am always securely tied in from the moment I step off the ground.
To secure the climbing rope at the top of the tree the tag end goes through a loop on the other end and cinch tight as high as I can reach with the knot off to one side.   I like to get the rope above a branch when I can to prevent slipping.  Sometimes I will put a bow hook in to help hold it.
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Offline joe ashton

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2015, 11:06:00 AM »
I also use a rope and prussic knot.  I place  the set up high so if I loss  my balance it will keep me in/on the stand. I do not want to be saved from hitting the ground but left hanging.
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Offline Longbow58

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2015, 11:12:00 AM »
I am 6' 1" and do as ranger 3 and Joe. Set the  rope as high as possible. Good luck.

Offline H1tman7

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2015, 11:52:00 AM »
Petzl makes a device called the traxion, they aren't cheap but I use it with climbing rope to connect to the tree. SUPER easy to adjust, take on or off, and quiet.

Offline katman

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2015, 01:05:00 PM »
"The problem I have with this system is adequately securing the rope around the tree. It always wants to slide down the tree before it grips right. "

Either place rope over a limb or screw in a tree step/bow holder.

Love being attached to the climbing rope all the time.
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Offline longbow fanatic 1

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2015, 06:39:00 PM »
I, too, use a line and prussic combination. I tie the tag line to the base of my climbing sticks to keep my safety line tight. When I end my hunt, I clip my prussic knot and carabiner to a loop tied to the tag line loop. It keeps my prussic knot tight to the line and I have no problems keeping the prussic knot tight to the line while pushing it up the line when hunting.

Offline warden415

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2015, 07:03:00 PM »
Thanks for the comments. I may try taking the tag end through twice and see

Offline kennyb

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Re: Strapping yourself into the tree question??
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2015, 07:05:00 PM »
Warden-I use the 'Tree Hopper' and it's a fully adjustable belt to use while hunting and also putting up tree stands. It is very similar to a lineman's belt. It works very well for me and is simple. You can use two hands while installing your stands! I have climbed professionally for over 30 years as a journeyman lineman & tree trimmer. So I feel it is very safe and I always practice safety! Great topic!

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