Well , im just kind of rambling actually….. Its a great feeling and also kinda anti-climatic.
One of the fun things about traditional archery is the never ending trying of new and different products. Mostly un neccasary , but curiosty gets us all.
A while ago I found my forever bow, it slowed my bow buying down real hard for a while and then…… Im done buying bows. It just kinda happened but I realized I dont have the draw to run out and pick one up ( I still need to try one more type and thats an aggressive R/D like an Elkheart or Thunder Child).
But my JD Berry Taipan is my do all be all bow. My Morningstar fullfills my desire for an ASL, and my Titan with longbow limbs meets my need for a bowfishing rig and 3pc longbow all in one. All three are perfect for me but my Taipan is what gets shot 98% of the time.
I always used the cheap $5 seats for hunting or 5gallon buckets but then I bough a Millinium seat and its like a very portable, adjustble recliner so my ground hunting is set. My stand I flip floped on some cheap stuff, then i got a Millinium lock on and steps, but it was too cumbersom for the public land I hunt so I stuck with my noisy, slow and cumbersome cheap climber, untill I picked up a Summit Cobra SD and I found treestand heaven. So now I am covered for stand hunting, I have no need or desire to look any farther.
I have knives, my old Mora does almost all I need, then my leatherman wave takes up the rest. My buck 110 is my nostalgic piece and my GFA medium is on my hip during hunting season. Knives CHECK. I dont even look at them.
My estwing camp axe , well we have been friends for a LONG LONG time. I have a folding saw CHECK.
Arrows I have locked in and dont even consider something other than my 2016's, cx 150 and my woods.
Broadheads are easy, I like my simmons and razor heads so I dont even consider something else.
I shoot only a Bearpaw deerskin glove or a Bateman Eichler tab. Check.
I literally Have no desire to look for new stuff, now I just shoot and if I get a chance I hunt.
Its bitter sweet I tell ya, bitter sweet. Now, Im sure I will pick up another JD Berry, because well, im addicted to them, but my three current bows will stay forever. And of course I need to own an Aggressive R/D for at least 3 months to give it an honest go.
My kit is complete and im happy and sad about it. LOL