What are you folks hunting with this year?. I decided to go a bit lighter this year. I was shooting CX heritage 150 @ 30" with a 125 steel adapter and a 135 grain zwickey delta for an arrow weight of 592 grains. I switched to gold tip warrior 500s with 125 adapters and magnus I 135 grain heads at 504 grains. I like the slightly flatter trajectory I'm getting out to 25 yards. This is out of a Kodiak Magnum that's 45 @ 28, and I draw to 29. Just curious as to what you guys are going to be flinging come opening day. I got my bow shooting darts today . I added a bear weather rest and really like it. The bow seems more forgiving. The arrows were weak and I had the rest lying around thinking I would never use it,so i threw it on instead of building out the strike plate or cutting. sorry for the rant, I need it to be deer season i missed the whole season last year.