Bill: My wife Karen's ACS CX is 70#, she's been shooting it a year at her 29" draw, and took a buffalo with it this year with one arrow. OL made it for her.
I built a number of arrow combinations that work in it. The Grizzlystik Safari will likely work out of the box, but my 2 dozen were irregular in spine and weight, and I did not end up using them. The Gold Tip Big Game 100s allowed me to make 2 combo carbon arrows that bareshafted perfectly, one at 900 grains with 17% FOC, and the other at 1020 grains with 24% FOC. The 900 grain had a full length aluminum 1516 shaft inside, and the 1020 grain had a half-length Cabelas Carbon 230 inside.
The 1020 grain flew at 156 FPS. I shoot the same arrow out of my BW PLX 80# LB, same FPS, and my arrrow went broadside through both rib cages of a buffalo in oz, killing him in under a minute a few yards away. Let me know if I can help with construction plans. - Jay Campbell, JD