I have a Bob Lee Classic recurve that I got from a friend who didn't take good care of it. He basically left it in his truck and let it get really hot. By the time I found it and took it, the micarta lamination in the riser had started to separate from the wood on one side. At first I thought it was just a finish crack, but the other night I discovered that I can slide a piece of paper between the layers for a section of about 2 inches. The finish crack is longer, but this seems to be the only real separation.
I called and spoke with Rob Lee (Bob's son), and he told me there's really nothing effectively that can be done. Trying to re-glue the riser wouldn't work well enough to be worth it. He told me that he'd be hesitant to risk shooting it too much, but it's still in excellent condition aside from this one section of the lamination.
So what would you guys do? I really hate to retire a bow this nice, because of such a small issue, but I know this small issue could get nasty really quick. I suppose I could always buy a new riser, but I'd almost just rather buy another recurve.