Not a whole lot to report in this evenings hunt. ALMOST about sums it up.
Cathy and I hung a stand in a funnel that connects two green fields. I hunted this area last year and its a great travel corridor. Last year I saw mostly does but did have several occasions when a few bucks would come through.
We had some heavy rain this afternoon which blew out around 3:00. I headed out the door around 4:00 figuring I'd catch the early crowd headed to the fields. I hadn't even settled in when a doe and a fawn came through at 5 yards. I had deer around me most of the night, maybe 15 in total.
The stand provides great cover but they come from in back of me, so I had to really be paying attention. The first thing I saw was his front leg. He just appeared without a sound and he was close.....maybe 8 yards. I was ready and only had to slide my lead foot to the right and tighten up on the string.
There was no need for an antler check, I knew he was a good one right away. He was still in velvet and although he wasn't too wide he was high and his horns where heavy. Just a solid gorgeous 4x4, most likely in the 170 inch range.
I remember smiling to myself as I tightened on the string.... I gotcha I said to myself.