The bear specialist that studies bears in the Boundary Waters, explains that the only bear that is really dangerous and predatory to humans is the male that has very little to zero contact with humans. He said that they will stalk and use great stealth to sneak up on someone. He also added, and I agree, at close range they are so fast that no one can draw a side arm fast enough to stop them. His advice is to use only use mace on a bear that is mauling someone. Of the thousands of close encounters that have happened in Boundary Waters, there is only one case, years ago, where a sick female got very persistent and dangerous. The two escaped to the water with a canoe. Which leaves me doubting much of the story, because of the time that they had to get a canoe to the water and then get in and paddle out. What I cannot understand is when I am bowhunting I am armed, why would I need to carry a gun for something that virtually never happens. Grizzlies are a different critter and pepper spray may be more important. You have a better chance of getting injured by a falling branch in an Iowa farm grove or lightening or just driving to go hunt.