As I read through these posts, I wonder why it matters to some folks which bows are called longbows. The only thing I can figure out is that a r/d longbow will outshoot a straight-limbed longbow, which I believe is true, and so the playing field is not level. But then I see other posts that say r/d longbows aren't really any better; people just need to have the dedication to learn to shoot straight-limbed longbows. Okay, if someone has the dedication and has put in the time to where he can shoot a straight-limbed longbow better than someone else can shoot a r/d longbow, then I think that would be gratification enough that he wouldn't care what the guy he just outshot calls his bow. But I doubt if there are many people who can do that, which brings us back to the level playing field. I assume this is mainly a tournament question, since you can hunt with whatever you want, and you don't get any more points by bagging a deer with a r/d longbow or a recurve than you do if you bag one with a straight limbed longbow; it is purely a personal choice. I suppose they could set up separate classifications in tournaments for r/d and straight limbed longbows, like they do for primitives, but wouldn't that be an admission that straight limbed longbows are inferior to r/d longbows? I'm not sure the people who care about this issue would like that either, so what is it that you would like to see done about it?