Had a great trip with some good company for my first hunt in Colorado. A while back a good guy here on tradgang put up an invite for his Colorado elk camp and we made plans to meet up at a base camp. Turns out Don knows his stuff and killed a nice cow on the second day with his Bear recurve , but I was several miles away looking over another area. After meeting back up on day three I moved over into the area he had been hunting. This is a DIY with OCT tags hunt on public lands , heavy packs and lots of lung busting fun. That said I spent a total of 20 days in the backcountry living in my tent bow hunting and fishing for trout with my Tenkara rod ( many good campfire fish meals ). All my gear worked out great and that was a good thing cause we had rain for prob 14 of the 20 days and many cold frosty mornings and nights. I don't think I went a single day without seeing elk an in total called in 18 bulls ( only cow called never once used a tube ) with many close encounters but never the right shot , well one shot but that's for later. Many things went wrong as the old list goes , wind changed , moved to soon , set up wrong , did not get out of the sleeping bag til noon , and on and on blah blah blah...
I was only about 5 miles back but in plenty of elk and was having a great time. My last trip in the mountains was 3 years ago and I was soaking it all in. Don only ventured out and gave a visit once and did some fishing and checked on his 2 buddy's that were with me. They were seeing elk and learning the ins and outs of this type of hunt as it was there first trip for elk ( both great guys ) but left with no tags filled but I'm sure they will return and tag elk in the future. I saw elk , murderer , moose , bear , pine martin , pine squirrel , marmot , and caught many fish. So an elk kill would just seal a great trip........