Blaming seems to be in vogue--- as is conservative bashing.
No doubt in the near term, there has been change in seasons and climate...shifts really...where it was warmer it's colder and vice versa. Can't deny that fact.
The term "Global Warming" suggests something far different and its being promoted as the "catch all".
My question has been and remains, "Given the short term that man's on earth, and shorter term he's recorded weather patterns, are these SHIFTS in weather patterns, cyclical or something more permanent caused by man?"
That question seems to create a firestorm of criticism but not one OUNCE of information beyond there IS a SHIFT in weather patterns...colder, dryer in Southern US and AK/CN having super mild winter weather...
Not what the Sky is falling crowd promotes as "Climate Change..."
Alas, WC, I agree that man has surely fouled his own nest here on Mother Earth, and a serious wake up call is in order, because as the natural world goes, so does man---eventually, as all are interconnected. Just seems easier to blame something beyond our control, then to make the hard calls that are economic in nature and would create a rift of huge proportions! help an old phart off his soapbox before he falls and breaks a hip!