I'll have to change my vote, too. With my bows, 50 yards, is just too far. It's not the accuracy, that's the problem, it's the amount of time it takes my arrow to travel 50 yards.
I've always considered my range with my traditional bows to be roughly half of what it is when I used a compound (way back in the last century). So, in my mind, an equivalent shot to a 50 yard trad shot would be a 100 yard compound shot. Would I take a 100 yard shot at an elk with a compound? Absolutely not, even though I'd be more accurate at 100 with a compound, than I am at 50 with a bare trad bow.
Again, though, it's not necessarily the accuracy that is the biggest problem with long shots. Let's say that you are going to take a 50 yard shot at a broadside, stationary elk. At the moment of release, that elk decides to take a single step. By the time your arrow reaches your intended target, the impact point would likely be out of the vitals.
If your bow shoots around 170 fps, it will take your arrow around .88 seconds to travel 50 yards. In reality, that is a lot of time. Plenty of time for even the casual step of an elk.
I certainly can't speak for others, but when I committed to using a trad bow, I willingly accepted the limitations that come with it. Actually, it's more like I embraced the limitations. I'm okay with letting animals walk that I could have cleanly killed with my compound.