Happy 2016 Everyone!
I have been hunting for Floppy's antlers with out success. But I see him daily in the food plot behind the house. I am quite certain he is going to make it. Three other bucks have all ready shed their antlers and I am hopeful the ones in Ill. have not.
Two nights ago an older buck appeared in one of my plots just at dark. Then yesterday afternoon I watched him come out of the timber clearly trying to dislodge his head gear. I was watching with my spotting scope from our 2nd story corner window nick named the crow's nest.
He stepped into a thicket of Raspberries and when he came out one side was off. I watched him then for 30 minutes trying various tricks to dislodge the other. He finally gave up and came down into the food plot. He stood next to Floppy and clearly out weighed him. At dark he was still wearing one side.
the main beam is 21 inches long and the base is 5 inches. I have nick named him Grandad. I believe he is in decline.
I am off to Ill. in the am. hoping for some late season luck