I also dont buy STRONGER or TOUGHER broadheads for different game animals. I shoot three blades for turkey....2 blade for everything else. I buy the ones I like the best, mount the best, fly the best, and sharpen easy enough to not make it a chore for me....then I stick with them. I dont change or even consider changing unless I experience a problem that I dont think is operator induced...or they are no longer available.
I shot zwickey for years...loved them..still do...but had a few ferruls come apart from the bladed portion when hunting. Lost confidence...was not a price thing at all. Went to Ribteks in early 90s...still shooting them as I bought a hundred or so straight from Australia couple years ago.
Shot Snuffers for years for turkey and loved them...felt the metal changed in past few years and made them a chore to sharpen...so stopped after my original Snuffers were all lost. Now I shoot Grizzly Instincts for my 3 blade heads.
I shoot what works best for me....and think the prices I am paying for Grizzly, Ribteks and would also for Tuffheads or STOS...are fair prices for what you get. I do not think the super expensive Ashby and Alaska Supply and German heads are worth it personally...but someone must as they are still in business.
Buy what works...not based on price. That being said...Ace, Zwickey, Magnus are all great heads and some of the best prices out there. If still not cheap enough there are plenty of HOW TOs on how to take saw blades and make your own trade points and grind them up for use. Once you do all the work though...I doubt they would really be cheaper from your time and material to make. More satisfying...but not cheaper if you count your time as well for sure.
I use the same heads for hogs, deer, bear, raccoons, nutria, etc. Only ones I swap out are for turkey but that is for bigger hole..not quality or price.