You know I'm dumber than a bag of rocks and posting pics would surpass my level of intelligence so a story will have to suffice. If it were a deer worthy, I would simply send it to my trad buddy and he would post it. Anyway, My season began on Saturday before last and my son in law shot one three counties north of here and our hunt ended as he needed to return early. After putting his deer on ice I realized I had time for an evening hunt and set off to do just that. I decided on a place I had found better than a month ago while scouting that was loaded with acorns. I climbed one of the three trees I had marked and raised my bow by 2 o clock. At 3 I heard the dry leaves to my right crunching. Before I could get my bow from my holder a barely legal 6 point (about 11 inches) with a large for this area body, was staring a hole through me. I just knew he was a goner but after about a minute he went to work on the Chestnut oak acorns and sounded like a jaw breaker eating contest. He worked his way from about 4 o clock around to 1 and lacked about 2 more steps before getting his eyes behind a holly tree when he winded me. I think he's still running! Last Saturday I dropped my boy off at a productive tree and headed off to one of my own. Upon arrival I found a lone hog under my tree but he managed to feed off unharmed. My boy spotted 3 but couldn't put an arra in em. After I climbed down I found a tree around the corner of the slew I was on that was loaded and it had a pine next to it that was perfect for a stand. Wednesday evening I knew the west wind forecasted for Thursday was perfect for my approach so I told the boss I would see him Friday. By 8 yesterday morning I was covered in nannys and settled on the firt one headed my way to limit the number of eyeballs that might pick me off. As soon as she stepped behind a willow I drew and she stopped without my help in a broad side text book pose. The arrow found itself a little high and a foot back of where I aimed and she was off. It wasn't a pass through but fell out the exit side after about 15 yd. About 30 more yards there she laid. The reason I didn't hear her crash is that she merely laid down. About the time I saw her she was up on her feet and off again. I had a hunch she wouldn't go far due to how quick she laid down the first time but I thought I would go ahead and pack my stand back to the canoe and give her a little longer. Upon return I found her another 50 steps or so. I had a 2 blade Sasquatch I've always wanted to try and it entered just my side of her spine and exited out of her forward bowels. Her gut stopped any chance of bleeding through the exit and I would have been in a bind if I would have needed to blood trail. I cut her right kidney half into other than that found no substantial wound. The shot was embarrassing and I vow to practice like never before. Probably the whole live target thing that shook me up but still very troubling. Hope you all kill a pile of deer! Possum