Here's some more pics from the adventure
That place was crawling with coyotes and they weren't afraid of anything. This one came right up to the stand we were in.
Eric and I saw this moose out in a field about 200 yards away as we were driving to Eric's house. Eric jumped out and proceeded to call this moose in to within 40 yards. It was incredible! After the first cow call, this bull came running like you had just whistled for your dog. He would have came closer had I not moved to get better video.
There were lots of ruffed grouse too. They call them chickens. "Lots of chickens in the bush, aye?"
This is my hunting buddy, Dan Novotny. He hunted hard the entire time but didn't even see a moose. The full moon at night certainly didn't help the situation.
I sent this photo to my wife and told her we were making moose head soup. She actually believed me! With us being together for over 30 years, you think she would have known better.
Some scenery