This all starts yesterday morning before work. I grabbed my bow, walked outside and took one shot at 20 yards. I was within a 1/2" of where I was looking. I felt great.
Now after work, I went to my new hunting area, climbed the same tree I was in tuesday but spun my treestand around about 120 degrees from how I was set up before. I did this because all the deer were behind me the last time I was here. Well as luck would have it, they were behind me again. Loads of them.
I finally picked out a big doe that I wanted to shoot. She comes in and offers up a 15 yard broadside shot but it didn't feel right. There was a limb just above where I wanted to hit and I figured with trajectory, I would certainly hit it. So I waited. She got into some thick stuff and emerged about 25 yards out. I pick my spot, draw hit my anchor and somewhere in this really short time frame I completely fall apart. My follow through was so bad I missed her by a good foot.
I have taken some positives from all of this. One is I identified my fault right away. Two, because my follow through sucked so bad on that shot, I got to watch the flight of my arrow and it was impeccable. Not a wobble. Three, my bow is quiet. None of the deer reacted to the shot except the one I missed. She reacted to the arrow hitting the ground but only moved a few feet.
So now I'm looking forward to saturday. I've seen a good buck each time I've sat this place. I just have to keep the mental end together.