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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??  (Read 1803 times)

Offline achigan

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2015, 11:36:00 PM »
I've put 2 tree rats on the meat pole, but no trad deer yet. Injuries have shortened my first two seasons, but this year is looking up!....to be continued
...because bow hunting always involves the same essentials. One hunter. One arrow. One animal. -Don Thomas

Offline dirtguy

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2015, 09:06:00 AM »
Me.  I've had some close encounters and one clean miss.  Fell like this the year.

Offline Michael Salter

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2015, 09:22:00 AM »
Looking for my first with a trad bow but have a number with a flintlock muzzleloader. Only my second year with the bow. Have made it out twice this year and have seen deer both times. Only had one possible shot and the doe busted me before I could draw. Still hopeful for this year.
"The trouble with normal is it only gets worse." Bruce Cockburn

60" Bear 'Black Bear' recurve @ 50lbs
60" PSE 'Stalker' take-down recurve @ 45lbs

Offline Fattony77

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2015, 10:11:00 AM »
I'm still trying for my first (unless you count fish, lol). I have only killed 1 deer ever (with a 30/30), so I still go out with the rifle during that season. But when bowhunting, trad is the only way I go. I sold my compound a few years ago and haven't looked back. Lord willing, this is the year...

Good luck to all the others in the same boat!

Offline bowhuntingrn

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2015, 10:51:00 AM »
That would be me. Though I will admit much of that is my fault. I don't put near enough time into scouting or preseason work.  I also don't get out as often as I'd like due to family and other obligations / hobbies. I just enjoy being "out there" occasionally though and if it's meant to happen, it will. I call it my "zen time", just enjoying all nature has to offer and not obsessing over the kill as I once did. To be honest, I think I enjoy playing with the equipment, tweaking set ups, trying new bow / arrow combos, etc. as much as I do the hunt anymore. Although, it would be nice to have some fresh grilled backstraps again...it's been a while.
"The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest"

Offline PeteA

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2015, 11:57:00 AM »
Hunting with a bow for 35 years. Started with a recurve when I was 16 before I really knew what I was doing. Switch to a Bear Whitetail Hunter compound in the early 80s. Took 6 deer over the years with various compounds. One harvest was a Westchester County 8pt that dressed out at 198lbs. That was my first deer! Been hunting totally trad for 5 years now. Have had about 4-5 shots at deer but have not connected. I've been really focused on tring to get close. Last year I had a 6pt at 3 yards. And got busted when I tried to draw. Longer story. Recently had the pleasure to hunt with MC Ground Stalker. Had a mother doe at 15 yards and a yearling at 6 yards. No acceptable shot. I'm been shooting hard with a new crew over the summer and we push ourselves to really shoot better. I'm fully confident that this year is it. Everything is coming together. I just need the opportunity. This is the most confident I have been in my abilities, my equipment and being able to get close.
Predator Hunter 46#@28
'70 Bear Kodiak Hunter 45#@28
'72 Bear Grizzly 45#@28

Offline Petrichor

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2015, 03:06:00 PM »
I am waiting for my first..... I think I am going to a WMA on Tuesday...... It will happen when it happens... All I care about is that my bear grizzly is in my hands and not some wheel bow.
Nothing clears a troubled mind like shooting a bow.
Fred Bear

Offline Medic85

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2015, 05:27:00 PM »
Third year trying...missed a few shots and have been close enough to touch them with my bow just havent connected yet.  Wont be giving up though...be shooting primitive before I know it.

Offline Sean B

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2015, 09:50:00 AM »
Who's gotten thier first this season??
PBS Regular Member
NY Bowhunters Association
Robertson Tribal Styk

Offline Shinnecockfly

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2015, 11:03:00 AM »
Had my first harvest ever on the 3rd with my recurve. Nice sized buck with just 3 points in the left. Having come from a non hunting family I had to dive head first into bowhunting last winter getting a recurve and going through the trails and errors.  Boy am I happy I never got a compound and learned about trad bowhunting. Tradgang had defienitely helped me on my journey to becoming a tradbowhunter. That deer solidified my love for this way of life. Now I'm happy to say me and my family will only be eating meat I harvest with my tradbows!!!!
Trad titan 62" 50#
Northern mist classic 68" 52#
Martin hunter 62" 50#
Martin savannah stealth 62" 40#
Bighorn ramhunter 62" 60#

Offline Ouchigan72

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2015, 01:29:00 PM »
Still waiting.. Seen many a deer just haven't had a shot yet. Know it will happen just have to be patient.

Offline Yewbender

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2015, 02:25:00 PM »
Im still waiting for my first. This year so far 2 bucks with in 17yrds but one not legal and other i had a doe at 8 yrds looking at me so no shot, not seeing many does. I know my time will come but until then i will keep enjoying the time i spend in the woods and if it takes years its fine with me because the feeling of hunting with my longbows is a feeling i've never felt before. Good luck to all...Gary

Offline dirtguy

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2015, 03:05:00 PM »
I am still working on my first. I've been hunting trad for eight years, but haven't spent that much time at it.  My youngest son is out of the house and this year I have much more opportunity.  I'm seeing deer and thinking it will happen soon. My shooting sure has improved over those eight years!

I had to pass on a shot earlier this year due to the land owners rules for what to harvest.  I did it with no qualms but I will say that when that little doe walked by at six yards I KNEW that I could make that shot.  When she stopped at about 22 yards I knew I had that as well.  Each time I see deer, it is a real treat!

Offline FoCoBlackWidow

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2015, 04:01:00 PM »
Managed my first elk after six seasons in Colorado back in September. Still not quite sure how I pulled it off...

Offline galadriel

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2015, 12:34:00 PM »
Buck be nimble
            Buck be quick
            Buck avoid that tree and
            come toward MY stick...

I have been bow hunting deer for 8 years and have not harvested a deer yet. I did harvest a rabbit in 2010 and he was tasty.
I hunt on public land that receives a LOT of hunting traffic and occasional clueless hikers with dogs.  I also hunt on the ground which I think can make shot opportunities more challenging.  
  I have taken shots at deer in my time hunting and missed. I have had more über close personal encounters with deer where the only shot opportunity was a high risk one; and, I just can't/won't loose an arrow that will likely result in animal suffering a prolonged death.. I get a lot of flack from my hunting partner for not 'taking a shot anyway' including shots at distances greater than 25 yards. He should know better.
  I am resistant to shoot young spikes or does as I feel they deserve to live at least a couple years to experience their life in all the seasons which I'm aware sounds a bit anthropomorphic .
The area I hunt is in city metro and considered to be deer intensive according to the DNR.  You can harvest up to 5 deer. Metro Deer seem to be smart enough to know that public land is off limits until after dark when the hunters leave.
Because I walk and stalk, I have a high success rate of accidentally stumbling into hunters in tree stands with wheels- which pisses them off. A few of those hunters choose bad areas to set up in a tree where you have to walk past them and they get mad-- too bad for them. It's just bad luck for those who I accidentally walk in on and 'oops..sorry'
My hunting partner jokingly tells me that I am an anti-hunter in disguise and my point is to tromp through the woods disturbing other hunters.. Lol.    Which of course is not the case. He has not had any better luck than me in 6 years. I mock him for peeing in the places he hunts and stinking up the area w human scent.  I swear the two of us as hunters are lorel and hardy in the woods..
Me: "You know what"
Him "what?"
Me: " I'm not as dumb as I used to be..I'm better now."
Him: "Well I'm certainly glad for that."

Offline overbo

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2015, 07:55:00 PM »
No deer going on the 4th season. Missed a good 9 2yrs ago. Have bloodied some arrows w/ squirrels.

Offline Jakeemt

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #36 on: November 22, 2015, 06:52:00 AM »
Got my first deer ever this year. 3 year old die with a recurve. All the compound era at camp got skunked too felt great!!!! Tooke about 3 years.

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2015, 09:45:00 AM »
Congrats to all who got their first this year, and good luck to all still trying for their first!    

The first one is such a rush, just like the tenth and the hundredth too!!!!!!

Nothing beats getting it done with a stickbow!


Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2015, 10:01:00 AM »
Yeah, I am with Bisch! congrats all. Even if you haven't scored just yet you should still be congratulated for your efforts.
The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline perry f.

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Re: Who's waiting for their first? Who has taken thier first this season??
« Reply #39 on: November 22, 2015, 10:20:00 AM »
Took my first antlered buck this season with a longbow. I've taken bigger, but none any sweeter....

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